Rapid Review: Combat - Stay Golden


Calliope Music Rapid Reviews

Combat - Stay Golden

Full Speed Ahead
   Frivolous beats, blasting guitar, and zany vocals assimilate swift attacks upon the ear. Light-hearted, yet alarming in nature, Stay Golden demands attention.

Each track coated in a youthful ardor, the band lays it all out in zeal and earnestness. From the bittersweet piano in 'Intro' to the fastidious tragedy of 'Full Speed Ahead,' and the two-part Punk epic of 'Weird Ending Explained' it is a non-stop shock wave of hammering cynicism. Yet, as the dust settles and the clouds part, there is an infectiously cheerful sound, boosted by bright guitar, animated vocals, and a knack for dramatic crescendos.

Despite its callowness, the 40-minute album ravishes the listener, pulling strings and breaking bones on its way to gold. 

Best Tracks: Full Speed Ahead -- Weird Ending Explained, Pt. 1 -- Epic Season Finale


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