Rapid Review: MF Tomlinson - We Are Still Wild Horses


Calliope Music Rapid Reviews

MF Tomlinson - We Are Still Wild Horses

London Based Singer Songwriter, MF Tomlinson, Unleashes a Vast Western Journey, Equipped with Folk Stories, Epic Ballads, and Jazz Inspired Blues.
   Separated into four acts, Tomlinson chronicles his depression post the Covid-19 pandemic, using the mundane to describe the dreamscape of a shifting social world. A wide range of musical influences result in a grand show of storytelling, including the 20 minute title track that begins as a Neo-Classical piano ballad, and ends in a synth heavy climax. As unique as this LP presents itself as, some inconsistent vocals and lengthy progressions reduce its overall influence.

Best Tracks: Winter Time Blues -- The End Of The Road -- We Are Still Wild Horses


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