Rapid Review: Jane Remover - Census Designated


Calliope Music Rapid Reviews

Jane Remover - Census Designated

Diaphanous, Yet Wounded Erotica
   Reverberating grunge guitar chords, spacious synths, and extensive electronics fashion extended Dream Pop atmospheres that slowly devolve into battered slashings of Emo-induced shoegaze. Jane Remover's voice becomes an instrument itself, forming dark confrontations of expansive melody and sultry progression.

Census Designated is an album rooted in the forbidden, or rather, breaking the forbidden down to its most rudimentary elements. This is done through heavy tales of eroticism, manipulated relationships, and desperate pleads for connection. JR's provocative vocals balance a fine line between trauma and cathartics, creating an odd warmth within uncomfortable situations.

Sitting at just over an hour in length, the project suffers not from overly extended developments, but from a lack of cohesiveness between such movements. Each track stands on its own as an impressive environment of depressive melody and flourishing Indie Rock, but together, the sedate nature of the tracks lead to a frustratingly slow pace.

Regardless of pace, Jane Remover is able to establish imposing designs of delicate disturbance. Whether it's through dreamy layers of guitar and synth or the carnal euphoria of the vocals, Census Designated leaves an impression of intrigue and awe.

Best Tracks: Cage Girl / Camgirl -- Lips -- Fling -- Backseat Girl -- Census Designated


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