Rapid Review: Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Voir Dire


Calliope Music Rapid Reviews

Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Voir Dire

Verbal Pictorials of a Strained Stoic
   Relaxed samples, nonchalant bass grooves, soft subs and cultivated loops put the mind at ease.

Then, Earl Sweatshirt decimates the hopeful mind with the slushy verse of a worn down traveler. Earl examines himself and his own spiritual journey through effortless rhyme; a ventriloquist of word and scheme. As delicate guitar loops and spaced keys trickle tranquil tones, phlegmatic vocals shed light on bleak love affairs, grief, self-improvement, and becoming a father. Each verse is textured with a deep shadow of interpretation, making each listen a treasure trove of newfound meaning.

At times, the deadpan nature of the project forges too thick of a wall to grip attentiveness, crumbling otherwise intricate developments. While the bathetic nature of the LP is unalluring, a short runtime and a comprehensive subtlety to stoical poetry holds too strong of a clutch to divert from an upmost urbane Hip-Hop encounter.

Best Tracks: Sentry (feat. MIKE) -- All the Small Things -- My Brother, the Wind -- 27 Braids -- Mac Deuce -- Dead Zone -- Free the Ruler


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